علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
ضمانت اجرای کیفری
In Norway, the Ministry of Justice (1977-1978: 25, our italics) took the view that 'the treatment optimism underlying many penal sanctions earlier in the century is difficult to maintain today . . . the use of imprisonment can never be justified as a measure of rehabilitation.
There is an inherent contradiction in the fact that as society implements penal sanctions on groups in need of help, this only serves to exacerbate their problems.'
In Finland, from 1971, from being an extensively used penal sanction in the 1960s,36 preventive detention became available only for those 'who actually presented a danger to society - that is, who were in certain ways a danger to the life or health of other people' (Lahti, 1977:
Evidence that the rioting was caused by extensive social deprivation was ignored.49 Instead, it was to be met with a 'war on gangs' (idem), amidst proposals that those involved in the rioting should lose social security benefits as well as face penal sanctions; and that the families of looters should be evicted from state housing properties.50
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران